The first time it was presented to me was more than a couple of years ago when a friend insistend on me seeing the pilot (firts episode I believe).
I got a mixed satisfaction... it was an interesting thing... but I did not wanted to see it at the moment...
So here they comes: Easter holidays!!
I got some time to nap and see something new... and settled for:
1. LotS (you should have figured it out from the previous post)
2. Eureka.
I've seen 1st and 2nd season: Thumbs UP!
- Carter is an interesting character... you can feel he is out of place but try to fit int in the weirdest community of all.
- Zoe is the classic prankster Illdosomethingwrongyoullhelpoutofit daughter but its character is catchy!
- Allison... ok it's the Intelligent-Sexy DoD woman...
- Lupo Crazy weapon loving girl... sometimes it's the funny moment sometimes its a key character... most of time is sheer craziness!
- Henry.... Henry it's Henry! Beautiful dark side in the 2nd season!
- Stark? I do not like stark... but this is his role so I think is a good thing^_^
- Beverly? Where's the sexy psychiatry? In the last few episodes I've seen I miss her!
Go see it!
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